
Archive for August, 2008

SEF 2008

August 28th, 2008 No comments

Jag ska är i Sverige den nästa veckan – inte kan väntan att möta svenska SharePointers! Todd Klindt, Steve Smith, Penny Coventry och Eric Shupps ska alla, är där för. Om mitt svenska språk är så fattigt, är det, därför att det inte finns några godaengelska till den svenska översättaren ut där 🙂

Tack till med- SharePoint MVP Goran Hussman!

Categories: General, MOSS 2007 Tags:

ContentDatabaseSection Class

August 22nd, 2008 No comments

If you build UI components that deals with content database(es) of a given Web Application , you may find this class useful.

For more information Please see my notes here.


Categories: MOSS 2007 Tags:

SPSqlDataSource and DFWP

August 20th, 2008 3 comments

Creating custom Data Form Web parts (formerly known as Data View Web part or DVWP)  that call into your line of business applications , extract data and land it onto your SharePoint pages is as easy as pop corn 😉

The reason they changed the name from Data View Web Part (V2.0) to Data Form Web part (V3.0)  was because it works way more than just giving you the ability to “View”.  You can insert, update and delete. What else do you want?  What? You can’t use Windows Authentication? Well, no problem , use Single Sign On service instead. If you neglected it in previous version, give this poppy another chance!We use this Web part in our day-to-day developments a lot. I agree! there are some limitations , but you will hear more about this guy and you will see improvements as well . FYI, Data Form Web Part is as powerful as Content Query Web Part (IMHO: It is even more powerful!).

For more information Please see my notes here.

SPSqlDataSource class and Data Form Web Part:


Categories: MOSS 2007 Tags:

Selector Controls Rock!

August 18th, 2008 3 comments

As saying goes , a picture is worth a thousand words! Well, this doesn’t apply to this post, because :

First off, I’ve attached more than one picture 😉

Second, Thousand words  are not here. They are all written in the community content of SharePoint MSDN SDK. Please excuse if formatting is messed up in those pages, that’s the best I can do using their editor control!  (Somebody will eventually format it – I hope!)

 ServerSelector class: Click here.

WebApplicationSelector class: Click here.

SiteAdministrationSelector class: Click here.

Real world example: Yes, you can use these controls with all other available controls to come up with pretty slick *SharePointy* UI components such as the one below.Admittedly, this one is not slick , because I built it – I am horrible at UI stuff  😛

Click on the picture to see the actual size:


Categories: MOSS 2007 Tags:

RIP Lee Marriage

August 14th, 2008 1 comment

[Via Ishai Sagi]

I was just informed via Ishai’s blog that Lee Marriage has passed away last weekend.Lee had a sharepoint blog at “The learning curve“. I didn’t personally know him , but he was into SharePoint , right? so that’s enough for me to take couple minutes of my time and write about him and wish his soul eternal rest. Goodbye Lee!

Categories: General, MOSS 2007 Tags: