
Archive for April, 2008

Update:Features Project in CodePlex

April 6th, 2008 4 comments

I just uploaded another feature to our CodePlex project called Global Web.Config Feature. It is basically a feature that gives you the ability to add some of the most requested modifications such as connectionstring, appsettings , membership and providers to the Web.config files of all Web apps across the farm. The feature is scoped at farm level , but nothing stops you to change its scope to “Web Application” with some slight modifications in FeatureActivated and FeatureDeactivating event handlers. I have tested this feature for both WSS and MOSS and it should work just fine. That’s why I decided to use SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureSection for the parent nodes instead of SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode. If you find any issues or if you have any suggestions please let us know here.

I will be working with Scot Hillier (Project Coordinator and Developer) and other project members to clean up some of the already deployed features and incorporate some of your requests logged in the issue tracker , specially for AJAX Config and Debug Config features .Stay tunned!

You can find the complete code and solution files for this project in the CodePlex project. In the meantime , you can have a look at my post here about some of the SPWebConfigModification’s limitations.

Update (13/April/2008 ): Ajax.Config Feature is cleaned up.
Update (13/April/2008 ): 3.5 Cinfig Feature is now part of the project. This Feature makes all the Web.config modifications to support 3.5 framework so you can can easily deploy the wonderful BluePrint demo.

Categories: MOSS 2007 Tags: