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Book: Service Based Enterprise AJAX on the Microsoft Platform

Today, Daniel Larson gave me the opportunity to get a sneak peak at his new book titled “Service Based Enterprise AJAX on the Microsoft Platform” (not sure if this is the final title) . Well, I am not an Ajax guy , but I can tell you this :Wait for another kick-ass book written by him. For a long time , I have been under the impression that Chapter 10 (Specially first 10 pages about CAS) of the Inside Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 is the best thing that Daniel Larson has ever written (because it is simple, so real and effective) , but after reading his Ajax stuff (and quite frankly, learning a lot!) – I am gradually changing my mind 🙂 . keep an eye on his new book and the book I introduced earlier from Andrew Connell. You can’t miss these two books!

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